Two friends. Cool friends. Flung far across the world from each other now swim the blogosphere to share their daily triumphs.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Cold With New Friends

What winter landscape could this be? Canada in winter? Try Cathedral Ranges on October 28th. We went camping this weekend and woke up to a winter wonderland. We went with my new work friend, Dave, who not only knows the secrets places of a small national park, but used his bush skills to patch Tim up after he took a scary tumble down a very steep hill. We scurried up rock faces, squeezed down crevices, almost blew off mountaintops and were courted by lyre birds and bower birds. It was good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow i drove through here the other week, it's so beautiful, but what are Dave and Tim up to?

oh i see, patching up, after a scary tumble. Good to see ya, neighbours.