Two friends. Cool friends. Flung far across the world from each other now swim the blogosphere to share their daily triumphs.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I've been putting off posting due to having so many anecdotes to share. Like the fun night at the Spanish Club. But now I can just direct you to Michael and Paul's blog for the rundown on the amazing Dilapidated Diva, Town Bikes, etc... I did have a solo dance to some Cuban rhythms in the front bar in your honour. It was my first non-virtual Cool With No Friends moment. And while we're on the subject of dancing, this is Tim and I dancing outside a window in Warragul for his family's amusement.


Cool With No Friends said...

These are some crazy photos-- it looks like it's snowing in Warragul or that you are at some trippy hippy dance party with sparkles raining onto the dance floor.
I check out grumpy erudite for other anecdotes...
i miss you and your cuban solo dancing style- i haven't mentioned that recently.

Cool With No Friends said...

I know. Disco snow. But in reality just the reflection of the flash on a dirty window. Do you like our new picture? I've been trying to work out how to put pictures at the top of the page, but I think it's beyond me.