Two friends. Cool friends. Flung far across the world from each other now swim the blogosphere to share their daily triumphs.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


I've been putting off posting due to having so many anecdotes to share. Like the fun night at the Spanish Club. But now I can just direct you to Michael and Paul's blog for the rundown on the amazing Dilapidated Diva, Town Bikes, etc... I did have a solo dance to some Cuban rhythms in the front bar in your honour. It was my first non-virtual Cool With No Friends moment. And while we're on the subject of dancing, this is Tim and I dancing outside a window in Warragul for his family's amusement.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

work friends

This is what we look like in our new life, socialising with real live Haligonians: a family picnic with my workmates, many of whom have little kids.
Every one tells me that I look like a student (which I technically still am) not a professor. What, is it the hairy legs, the unwashed hair, the "savers" outfits?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tims Try

So ,This is Fler and Olivier down at The Convent
We Went Super Goth

Friday, October 06, 2006

nice hoodie

hey samways
i've got no photos, so the evocativeness of my words will have to do. it's rainy and mild here in halifax and the leaves are beginning to turn and fall to the ground. we are now in our new house, rolling around like three little marbles in an almost-empty space. our 'stuff' won't be here for another 3 weeks. we're beginng to get cold with no winter clothes. where oh where are my leg-warmers and ugg boots!
it's all beginning to hit me now what we've done in this big, big, big move across the ocean. the strangest thing abaout it is that there is no turning back. i've been confronted with this before and i know the only thing to do is to accept that things cannot be the same, but oh how i wish sometimes to see you, to get a sausage at the markets, to ride my bike through the streets of brunswick, to smell the smell of spring in melbourne.
In the words of Harvey Pekar, life is so sad and so sweet.